Jonny Quest On The Big Screen

Warner Brothers is looking to bring Jonny Quest to the big screen, and with the help of Spy Kids director Robert Rodriguez. Seeing as how he’s the mastermind behind the Spy Kids this is definitely in his wheel house.

(left to right) Dr. Benton Quest, Jonny Quest, Race Benton, Hadji

The show itself centers around the adventures of Jonny Quest along with his father Dr. Benton Quest, Jonny’s friend, Hadji; longtime friend and bodyguard of Dr. Quest, Race Bannon; and Bandit, Jonny’s dog. The remake itself will most likely center on Jonny’s Golden Quest an animated feature that revealed what happened to Jonny’s mother, and pits the gang against Dr. Zin.

It’ll be fun to see how this plays out, especially when it comes to casting. Though the Spy Kids franchise died in sales by the end, I’ll still be interested to see what Rodriguez does with this, because he goes pretty strong at the start. More information as this story develops.

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